Ps Trevor and Judy Bucknell

Ps Trevor and Judy Bucknell


Sunday Mornings, 10:30am
Hampton Community Centre
Willis Street
Hampton VIC 3188

starfish beachOasis Christian Church

'The Church on the Bay'

We are a Pentecostal church affiliated with the Australian Christian Churches. 
We believe in the Bible, in God the Father, in Jesus as the Saviour of the world, in the power of the Holy Spirit working in the world today, in the coming return of Jesus.

Our vision: To be a growing church having a significant influence in the bayside suburbs of Melbourne and beyond.
Our mission: To fulfil our part in the commission of Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nation”.
Our heart: To be a caring, healing church where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to use their gifts and talents to build up and encourage one another.
Missions: We are a church with missions at its heart. We believe the church is under a divine mandate to, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” Matthew 28:18-20.
We will do this in two ways:-
1. Supporting the planting, growth and strengthening of indigenous churches among the nations
2. Sharing what we have with others by supporting ‘justice’ projects that help people in need among the nations.

Builders: We welcome everyone of every age and background, young, old, every culture and nation, come help us build a great local church.
This includes those in the ‘second half’ of life. In his book ‘Half Time’ author Bob Buford describes this as the time in life when we move from an emphasis on ‘success’ to ‘significance’. You have a lot to contribute, come help us build something significant.