More important than Oasis Christian Church is Jesus Christ.
He is the eternal Son of God.
He became incarnate, being born in a human body through the virgin Mary.
He lived a perfect life and then died for the sake of the whole world to reconcile us to God in spite of our sins and failings.
He then rose again from death and ascended into heaven, from where he rules as Lord and from where he poured out the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and empower every believer to live for him.
He will return from heaven to earth in the future, judge everyone who has ever lived and bring in a new joyful age for all who believe in and follow him.
The good news is that you can meet Jesus today and be transformed by him and become a friend of God.
He will meet your needs in this life by his power to heal and provide.
All you need to do is turn from sin and put your trust in him.
Pray this prayer sincerely.
Dear God,
Thank you that Jesus died for my sins and rose again to give me new life.
Lord Jesus, I believe in you and I ask you now to come into my heart and change me.
I receive you now as Lord and Saviour and I will live for you from now on.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit coming in to my life now.